Archive for March, 2011


God is so faithful. Thank you Lord. I am always reminded but then when I forget He shows me again just HOW FAITHFUL HE IS. So many of my prayers have been answered, big and little. It’s amazing! It’s just so much fun. I’m also learning to be more creative with my prayers now.


God has really been helping me practice and enhance the gifting of the prophetic. I am definitely still in the places of INFANCY, but exciting nonetheless! Whenever I get the chance to, these days I have been practicing on whoever I pray for.

Anyways, what spurred this random, sporadic desire to blog was from this: I was skyping with a friend from home and I could just FEEL the heaviness of strongholds in that place. APATHY/COMPLACENCY, UNBELIEF most heavily. It made me REMEMBER how strong and heavy that oppression was, and WOAHH…was it difficult to go up against. When I was back at home, it was so difficult to pray, so difficult to muster up the strength and willpower to pray. Ohhh it was heavy. And I definitely did not have the discipline in my spirit to press through that by myself.

So I asked myself what can be done for a stronghold like APATHY/COMPLACENCY especially. To go in the opposite spirit would be to have PASSION. But that passion can only be spurred by the LOVE OF GOD. However, if you have no desire to pray, that passion for God cannot even be sustained. There’s such a great need for accountability, but more than that COMMUNITY. With authentic community, we build accountability. We must PRESS IN FACE FIRST (despite the unwillingness of our flesh) into prayer & fasting. Especially in my home area where authentic community is so scarce due to a number of reasons: packed schedules, anxieties of life, individualistic mindsets, etc., no wonder the church is so weakened in its current state. I’m so excited for NCFC’s 40 days of prayer campaign. Lord, move mountains through the prayers! Tear down strongholds! Open up the heavens over the church!

Just trying to strategize. It stirs a righteous anger in me against the enemy for the oppression of God’s people. We are hungry and thirsty for God, even if we don’t realize it. Also, I must prepare my heart before I go home, though it may still be months out. I just LONG for the church to bask in the His love so it can burn with passionate continuous zeal for the Lord. We must hear God out on how to overcome the strongholds of home. And I think it must start with authentic prayer communities.


On a side note! The stars have been exceptionally beautiful! It looks like I can reach up into the sky and grab one down. That’s how close it looks. But while I was laying on my back, spending time with God, I got to a point of desperation in fight of any personal complacency that might rise up in my heart. And I (kindly) demanded the Lord for an encounter or revelation of His love each day. I DEMAND IT. The adamancy of my heart was kindled from seeing a friend’s jealous pursuit of the Lord. He tenaciously pursued after the Lord’s heart and WOULD NOT BE SATISFIED UNLESS GOD GAVE HIM A REVELATION OF HIS CHARACTER EACH DAY. And so I decided, it was time to stand firm in my own convictions. GOD has ALWAYS wanted to pour out more. It’s whether or not we want it. And how MUCH we want it.


And then, as I gazed up at the stars a bit longer, admiring the beauty of His artwork and majesty…I saw my first shooting star. ❤ The Lord is good.